1 in 7 European smartphone owners purchase via mobile every month

  • Posted by Talking Payments
  • October 22, 2013 12:06:15 PM BST
New research has suggested that one in seven European smartphone owners make at least one retail transaction on their mobile device per month.

The study, conducted by market research firm comScore, focuses on the mobile retail usage across the continent, particularly with regards to how much it is growing year on year. In fact, according to its findings, the industry saw immense growth in the last year alone, with the amount of shoppers using their mobile to browse retail sites jumping up by 20%. This has lead to a further rise of 43% to the total mobile retail audience across Europe.

The study also indicated which European countries have shown the most interest in retail browsing via mobile. Spain has experienced the highest growth rate this year, with the number of smartphone owners accessing these sites rising by 66.5% to  3.3 million. Italy also displayed a rising interest in the market, with a growth rate of 61.3 percent, equating to almost 5.6 million smartphone users accessing retail sites and apps with their device.

Additionally, the number of those then proceeding to make a retail purchase with their mobile has also climbed, with the number processed this way now reaching a staggering 22.8 million across Europe.


