45% of businesses want their mobile apps to enable NFC

  • Posted by Nicole Muller
  • July 25, 2013 11:07:09 AM BST
New research has suggested that mobile developers are increasingly considering including NFC in their mobile apps.

A study by Evans Data Corporation has revealed an overwhelming interest in the technology, with respondents from around the world confessing plans to integrate NFC into their mobile business in the near future.  In fact, the survey claims that a huge 45% of those who took part hope to do so in the next 12 months, with 31% of mobile developers already having incorporating NFC.

Michael Rasalan, director of research at Evans Data, said: "We surveyed over 500 mobile developers about their current activities and plans for different mobile-related technologies, and about various mobile-related issues.

“We feel developers are very optimistic about the technology and the potential it offers. Though ultimately plans may not necessarily turn into actual support, the high percentage of people who say they have plans for NFC does indicate a lot of interest and a great capacity to engage with the technology."

The survey also discovered the main reasons as to why mobile businesses are so keen to access the technology, with ideas such as NFC payments, access control and social networking proving particularly appealing.

Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data, said: "NFC is the next evolutionary step in mobile computing. It's clear that it's going to change the way we perform everyday actions such as opening a locked door, getting on an airplane, or making a purchase at a store.”
